About us
The Carrefour des savoirs is an initiative aimed at the professional development of graduate students, so that they can improve their employment prospects, whatever their career path. Through workshops, mentoring and internships, students can experiment with and hone cross-disciplinary skills such as project management, communication, leadership, creativity and many others. Le Carrefour des savoirs is driven by collegiality, collaboration, integrity and openness.
The Carrefour des savoirs is a consortium of five Montreal health and social services research centers: CReSP, CREGÉS, CRIR, CRIUGM and SHERPA. It is funded by the FRQ-S.
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General principles
The Carrefour des savoirs is based on three principles that will guide the service offering.
Active learning
Students are encouraged to get involved in their professional development right from the start of their academic career.
Learning through practice
Skills are often acquired through practical experience (workshops, internships). This experiential learning is the driving force behind the Carrefour des savoirs.
A culture of learning
The development of cross-disciplinary skills is essential to the learning process. Faculty and students alike will be made aware of the importance of developing this type of skill to foster a rich and diversified career.
The Carrefour des savoirs carried out a pooling exercise on the values that should guide action.
These four values stood out:
A precious value, because it fosters a healthy working and learning environment, where every member feels involved, respected and valued.
This is an essential value, since it is a process in which a group works together in a coordinated way to achieve a common goal, thus fostering creativity, innovation and the strengthening of interpersonal relationships.
A moral quality enabling us to act ethically, which implies honesty, probity, consistency and respect.
A quality value that fosters personal enrichment, solid interpersonal relationships, through the exploration of new ideas, questioning and welcoming differences.
In action
Encourage open and honest communication to feel comfortable sharing ideas and points of view.
Promote diversity and inclusion so that all voices are heard.
Enable all people to participate equitably in the evolution of the Carrefour des savoirs project.
In action
Ensure that all participants understand the objectives of Carrefour des savoirs.
Respect our commitments and be transparent in our communications.
Recognize the contribution of each individual and demonstrate that work is recognized and appreciated.
In action
Take responsibility for our actions, even if mistakes are made, and work to correct them.
Act with honesty in all interactions, cultivating consistency.
In action
Be aware of our prejudices and stereotypes and question ourselves in order to understand them better.
Encourage constructive, open comments and ask for feedback on our actions in order to improve.
Step out of our comfort zone and participate in experiences that expose us to new perspectives and ideas.
Our Team
Danielle Filion
Coordinator of Carrefour des savoirs
Danielle Filion holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in social work from the Université de Montréal. She worked as a community organizer in the health and social services network, before moving into teaching social work techniques. Before embarking on the adventure of setting up Carrefour des savoirs with Patrick, Danielle previously spent eight years as manager and then director of programs in Quebec at Mission Inclusion.
Patrick Hébert
Project Manager of Carrefour des savoirs
Patrick Hébert is currently a Master’s candidate in career counselling. He has worked in the health and social services network for nearly twenty years. He specializes in developing the potential of individuals and organizations. He is a consultant to Canadian career development organizations and offers training in this field. A professional coach since 2021, he helps managers overcome professional challenges. It is with enthusiasm and dynamism that he joins Danielle to embark on the Carrefour des savoirs adventure.
” Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involved me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin